The RED-Alert project held its sixth consortium meeting during January 21-22, 2020 in Malta. As the project approaches to its end, all partners were present to discuss the status of the project and present its results. In addition, a Project Consortium General Assembly was added in the morning of the second day.
Dr. Berta Biescas, Insikt’s lead data scientist was present at the meeting and had very positive comments related to the project meeting and mentioned that: “This general meeting was quite productive in terms of technical and major decisions that have to be taken for the project.”
The first day of the meeting had its focus on the project advancement and the demonstration of the improvements of the RED-Alert system.
During the second day the main subjects were agreements and their approval, planning of the deliverables, work and reporting till the end of the project.
The Conclusion
All in all, the sixth consortium meeting was quite successful and brought together all partners once again to share their knowledge and expertise and continue their fruitful collaboration.