Horizon 2020 CounteR Project
With funding from the European Commission, H2020 programme, 19 organisations from 11 EU Member States including SMEs, NGOs, and industrial, research and academia entities, along with six public law-enforcement agencies in the domains of justice, police and interior security, on May 1, 2021 started a three-year project for supporting the fight against radicalisation and thus preventing future terrorist attacks.
RED-Alert project in the Counter-Terrorism Agenda for the EU: Anticipate, Prevent, Protect, Respond
RED-Alert is a European Union (EU) funded research and innovation project as part of the Horizon 2020 programme to develop new online content monitoring and analysis tools to combat terrorism.
RED-Alert Project Final Conference
RED-Alert is a European Union (EU) funded research and innovation project as part of the Horizon 2020 programme to develop new online content monitoring and analysis tools to combat terrorism.
METALEN: Método de Aprendizaje no supervisado y Meta-aprendizaje en el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural aplicados a la lucha contra la Propaganda de Radicalización y Delitos de Odio en las Redes Sociales
METALEN, Método de Aprendizaje no supervisado y Meta-aprendizaje en el Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural aplicados a la lucha contra la Propaganda de Radicalización y Delitos de Odio en las Redes Sociales que constituye un reto considerable y apasionante para nuestro equipo. El proyecto con número de referencia: TSI-100905-2019-2 está parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Economía […]